Workshop IPv6

The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) provides a wide range of new functions that the current IPv4 cannot cover or can only cover with very complex upgrades. Addressable storage that is fast becoming exhausted and integrated support for security mechanisms makes IPv6 the suitable successor.
After the initial scepticism of users and manufacturers, the number of implementations is increasing rapidly in the meantime. Meanwhile, both with regard to terminals and in the network environment there are practical implementations and IPv6 is on the threshold of the scientific laboratory environment up to the globally usable communications protocol.
The introductory workshop shows the changes that IPv6 offers, how the different solutions were implemented and how new IPv6 based networks can be combined with existing IPv4 networks.

  • IPv6 128-bit Address-Format (Unicast- / Multicast- / Anycast-Addresses)
  • IPv6 Address hierarchy in the IPv6 Internet
  • Aspects for planning an appropriate IPv6 address design
  • IPv6 Protocol Architecture (IPv6 Header)
  • ICMPv6 (Neighbor Discovery)
  • IPv6 Addressing Schemes:
    • Static
    • Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
    • Stateless Address Autoconfiguration with DHCPv6
    • Stateful Autoconfiguration with DHCPv6
  • DNS-Management (AAAA Record-Type)
  • IGP Routing Protocols (RIPng, OSPFv3, EIGRP, ISIS)
  • IPv6 for BGP and MPLS (6PE, 6VPE)
  • Migration technologies:
    • Dual-Stack
    • Tunneling Technologies (e.g. GRE, 6to4, 6rd, ISATAP, Teredo, LISP)
    • IPv6 Address Family Translation (NAT64, Dual-Stack Lite)
  • IPv6 Best Practices and Migration Strategies
  • IPv6 Security
Length of the workshop and required knowledge:

The workshop has been designed for a length of one day. It is also possible to be tailored to your individual needs, of course.
Participants should have basic knowledge in IP internetworking (OSI 7-layer model, IPv4, ICMPv4, ARP/RARP etc.)

Headquarters / Munich Airport Center

IsarNet AG
Terminalstrasse Mitte 18
85356 Munich Airport

089 97007 401

info [at]

Office Hallbergmoos / Airport Business Center

IsarNet AG
Am Soeldnermoos 17
85399 Hallbergmoos

0811 99829 0